Thank You! v2.2

My goodness another fantastic Nata Rally has happened again.  With so much that happened how do you start?  Well maybe with the Blue Moon or the International Space Station flying over head, thanks to Pat Hayes for making that happen.

This year’s rally featured FOOD again, along with some motorcycles, but mostly FOOD!!!  Mark Hineser and his wonderful wife Trina started smoking two briskets on Friday afternoon and served them for dinner on Saturday night.  To wash that down he also made chicken legs and wings.  It was argued that the chicken was better than the brisket but that argument may never be solved.  A plan has been put in place for a second taste test to investigate and gather test results to prove once and for all what was better.  I’ll let you know how it works out.  Until then we’ll still be thinking about the Gizdish pies we had for dessert.

The award ceremony and raffle prizes were full of surprises.  The winner of the early bird registration prize, $25.00 from Santa Clara Cycle Accessories was Dan South, our beloved MGNOC rep from Nevada.  He currently has his Yamaha RD350 at Santa Clara Cycle for sale.  It’s a small world!  Gary Steele won the oldest by two months (71), Gianna Norman won the youngest (8) showing up and leaving with grandpa Roger on the 1400 California.  Her 90cc is not street legal.  Pat Hayes rode up with the highest mileage bike, his EV11 with only 98,171 miles, he received another $25.00 from Santa Clara Cycle. He’ll need it to buy oil for that thing!  Roy Harvey won the furthest traveled at 870 plus miles.  For his efforts he won a very custom coffee cup made by ours truly Brian Harper (it will probably leak, hehehehe).

We tossed in a twist when handing out the raffle prizes; Brian suggested we do it in a white elephant type fashion.  Since he’s the boss and I’m afraid I went with it, haha.  A prize was chosen and then a raffle ticket picked; the winner took there prize and then chose to keep it OR force a trade to ANYONE.  That made it real interesting.  Poor Landon Norman couldn’t keep a prize, life is tough….

Dan South was a winner TWICE!!  He won the grand prize of the carbon fiber Kali Protectives helmet.  For some reason he chose not to force a trade onto someone, hmmmmm, go figure.

One of the best prizes of the weekend was from Dave Walters, from Dave Walters Photography.  Dave sponsored the weekend with free professional pictures for all you who attended.  Those pictures are all below, please feel free to right click them and save them to your computer.  After all, weekends like this are about memories and there is no better way to hold on to them than from a picture.

How do you thank everyone?  I guess first thanks to everyone, and there are some I need to point out, they went above and beyond, David Godman, Regina Hayes, Paul & Linda Bacon, Janice Stewart, Dakota Jaime, and Annabelle Harper.  Our super helpers, the Jaime Family for making breakfast (Texas french toast and bacon), my super best wife Erika DaCunha, the Harper family and Mark & Trina Hineser for sponsoring the greatest dinner of all time who not only picked up the cost of such a grand gesture but with their time, that was priceless.

 We hope to see you in 2017!

For additional images and high resolution files of the images below, please email Dave Walters directly at or visit his website (

Also, make sure to watch this special video below.