Activities v1.0
Archive Page
The Weekend Not-A-Schedule
FRIDAY JUNE 29, 2012
3:00 pm Camp site is officially open
6:00 pm UPDATE: Dinner – Italian Sausage and Linquica prepared by BBQ Pit Master Mr. Mark Hineser, provided for overnight campers
10:00 pm Quite time
7:00 am Breakfast provided to over nite campers and others
8:00 am Registration to day visitors open and meet and greet and receive your FREE button
9:30 am UPDATE: Big Sur Lead ride departs camp site
10:00 am Alice’s Lead ride departs camp site
11:00 am Self lead Photo Scavanger Hunt ride/game departs campsite
12:00 pm Lunch on your ride,lunch not provided at camp site
3:00 pm Rides return to camp site
3:30 pm Games begin field game : Slow race
4:00 pm Field game : Clothes pin snatch
4:30 pm Field game : Ball grab
5:00 pm Dinner – Catering truck on site
6:30 pm Award Ceremony ,door prizes and contests for
Youngest rider (came on motorcycle)
Oldest rider (came on motorcycle)
Farthest ridden ( Google maps rules)
Suspender beauty contest
Best “rat” bike
Peoples favorite bike
Best mis-appropriation of parts
8:00 pm Park closes to day visitors
7:00 am Breakfast provided to campers
11:00 am Camp officially closed
Ride home safely
Food, Drinks, and Snacks
Thanks to all the generous donations and sponsors, NATA-RALLY is providing free water, iced teas and colas throughout the weekend. A light breakfast of pastries, oatmeal, yogurt, fruits, hot coffee, and tea are also being provided to the overnight campers.
As usual at any Not-A-Rally, all costs are covered by the attendee, so dinner is provided but not payed for by the rally. Expect to pay circa $12.00 – $15.00 per person for a dinner meal with an entree and sides.
Campsite/Meeting area
Camping and day fees can be paid at the Rally site in cash or check. Camping and meeting area will be at the Manzanita Camp Site in Mt. Madonna County Park, 7850 Pole Line Rd, Watsonville, CA 95076.
Park Rules, please follow the printed and posted park rules and please remember that we are all Ambassadors ( pun intended ) for the Moto Guzzi and motorcycling community so no speeding please and quite time starts at 10:00 pm
Mt. Madonna park sits at the crest of the Santa Cruz mountains with views to the ocean, the sea breeze can be chilly so please bring layered clothing as the temperatures can be unpredictable.
Shirts will be for sale at the event on a first come basis, they are $15.00 each for sizes Small thru Extra-Large and $18.00 for XXLarge, cash or checks only please. See our T-Shirts page above to see what they look like.
Other stuff
The rally site is within 10-20 minutes East or West of convenience stores and other accommodations such as motel/hotels and the park also has Yurts and campsites with hook ups. Here is a good link for camping information about the park –
Donations and Thank You!
The NATA-RALLY is very loosely formatted, and as our inaugural event, please forgive us for any short comings. The Moto Guzzi community of the Bay Area is also holding this event to help bring together more Guzzisti and other motorcyclists and give back to the community at the same time.
The Nata-Rally will have a opportunity for you to give a 100% donation to the Children’s Hospices & Palliative Care Coalition charity at the event, that donation will be separate from any other donation made to the rally as it just for the Kids, thank you all in advance for any donations. Donations to either are appreciated.
Lead Rides
Click on the images below to see ride routes in detail.
Ride 1 – From Mt. Madonna to Alice’s Restaurant
Ride 1 – From Alice’s Restaurant back to Mt. Madonna
Ride 2 – From Mt. Madonna to Big Sur
Ride 2 – From Big Sur back to Mt. Madonna